Martin Einer Solberg
- Født: Feb. 1880
- Ægteskab (1): Emma Verena McQuiston den 7 Sep. 1903
- Død: 8 Sep. 1946, Ellwood City, Beaver, Pennsylvania, USA i en alder af 66 år
Begivenheder i hans liv:
1. Udvandring, 5 Maj 1880, USA. Navn: Nielsen, Udøbt Stilling: Barn Alder: 00 1/12 Bestemmelsessted: New York Kontrakt nr.: 377100 Forevisningsdato: 05-05-1880 Sidste oph.sogn: Skanderup (Sk. Borg) Sidste oph. amt: Århus Sidste oph.sted: Skanderup, Skanderborg A. Bestemmelses land: USA Bestemmelses by: New York City Bestemmelses stat: New York State Skibsnavn: Indirekte Bemærkninger: NVN: Udøbt. IDkode: I7980N3203
2. Folketælling, 22 Jun. 1880, Youngstown, Mahoning, Ohio, USA. Household: Name, Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace Martin SOLBERG, Self, M, Male, W, 38, DEN, Farm Laborer, DEN, DEN, Maria SOLBERG, Wife, M, Female, W, 30, DEN, Keeps House, DEN, DEN, Albina SOLBERG, Dau, S, Female, W, 3, DEN, , , DEN, DEN, Martin SOLBERG, Son, S, Male, W, 4M, DEN, , , DEN, DEN, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Source Information: Census Place Youngstown, Mahoning, Ohio Family History Library Film, 1255045 NA Film Number, T9-1045 Page Number, 295C
3. Folketælling, 4 Jun. 1900, Big Beaver Township, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, USA. Big Beaver Township , Lawrence County, Pennsylvania Supervisor's District No. 19, Enumeration District No. 93, sheet 1, line 85 The census information is as follows; census date - June 4, 1900 Big Beaver Township, Lawrence Co, Pennsylvania Solberg,, Martin, 57 May 1842, married 20 years, Denmark, farmer Solberg, Mary, 50, May 1850, married 20 years, Denmark Nelson, Mina, 23, Mar 1877, single, Denmark, step-daughter Solberg, Martin Jr 20, Feb 1880, son, Denmark, laborer coal mine Solberg, Maud, 14, Jun 1885, daughter, Pennsulvania Solberg, Frederieca 12, Nov 1887, daughter, Pennsylvania Solberg, Samuel, 9, Oct 1890, son, Pennsylvania Solberg, Sarah J, 8, Feb 1892, daughter, Pennsylvania Solberg, Kate H, 5, Oct 1894, daughter, Pennsylvania The four persons with * in front of their name were listed as having immigrated to the US in 1880 and been in the US for 20 years. Mary was the mother of 1? (looks like 10) children, and all 10 were living at the time. Martin and Mary had been married for 20 years.
Martin blev gift med Emma Verena McQuiston den 7 Sep. 1903. (Emma Verena McQuiston blev født den 19 Sep. 1881 i Chewton, Lawrence, Pennsylvania, USA og døde den 20 Okt. 1944 i Wiley Hill, Beaver, Pennsylvania, USA.)